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Beautiful upper arms quickly

Schnell schöne Oberarme

From the age of 30, the firmness of the upper arms unfortunately decreases somewhat. But there are a few tricks you can use to get your upper arms back in shape.


Nice creaming: cellulite remedies for the upper arms

There are numerous anti-cellulite products on the market, ranging from cheap to expensive. These not only fight cellulite on thighs and buttocks, but also tighten flabby arms. Cream your upper arms twice a day with an appropriate product. The effect is enhanced if the cream or oil is applied via massage. Tip: A Arm-Peeling once a week supports the treatment.


Cool off nicely: water as a beauty booster

It's no secret: Cold water showers stimulate blood circulation and make the skin nice and firm. So, be brave and give your arms a refreshing cool down. If you can't bring yourself to do it in the shower, you can try it the gentle way: Pack ice cubes in a cloth and carefully rub your upper arms with them.


Wrap it up nicely: Homemade beauty mush

You can quickly and easily make firming wraps for your upper arms yourself: Mix half a cup of cream with three drops of rosemary oil. Now dip gauze bandages into this mush and wrap the bandages around your upper arms (but not too tightly). After 10 minutes you can remove the wraps. The skin looks plumper and firmer.



Push up nicely: Strength training does the trick

Requires discipline, but very effective - strength training. Here are a few exercises for beautiful upper arms:

  • Sit up straight in a chair. Take two light dumbbells (1-2 kg) or alternatively two large, full water bottles in each of your right and left hands. The palms of the hands point upwards. Now pull your forearms in the direction of your upper body, behave like that for a few seconds and slowly lower your arms back down to hip height.


  • Stand about a meter in front of a wall or closed door. Place your feet slightly apart next to each other. Press your arms against the wall at shoulder height and then slowly push your upper body forward until your face touches the wall. Go back slowly. The body must be stretched and tense.


  • Find a permanent table. Stand with your back in front of it and support yourself with straight arms on the edge of the table. Depending on your height, you may have to crouch down a bit. This position is now reinforced by pushing your butt down even further and bending your knees even deeper. The arms are naturally bent. You're doing it right if your arms and legs are tugging. Then slowly stretch your arms out again and push your body up. Incidentally, this “table support” not only tightens the upper arms, but also the thighs.


Depending on the condition, the exercises should be repeated 6-12 times in one go. Then take a short break and start again. Try to get through three sets per exercise. In order for the training to be effective, you have to do it two to three times a week.



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